Looking for feedback on your 2025 national performance? Tally Genie has packaged up your official scoring and judge notes.
Remember!! Our stage productions move quickly and judges are very limited on ability to take notes. Your scores will include your overall judge by judge score and any available notes. We highly encourage you to WATCH ALL OFFICIAL VIDEO ON QBN which remains available for subscription at QueenBeauty.TV.
Fees paid for this service help our organization cover expensese associated with Tally Genie software and personnel time required to organize your scores.
Delivery will arrive via email in 5-7 business days from MAGGIE@MISSEARTHUSA.COM.
NOTE! We will only send scores to the authorized parent/guardian or candidate herself based on the contact information we have on file. Under no circumstances will scores be sent to a coach or other person requesting the information.
All sales are final. Thank you!
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